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My daughter put this simple charcuterie together for my birthday and it was so yummy. While I have seen some gorgeous charcuteries that look almost too good to eat, you don't have to be a pro to put one together. In this photo you'll see she used the square charcuterie board for the goodies and condiment bowls for assorted flavors of chutney; all items (minus the food) available on my website.

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This Small Gathering includes a setting for 3. Baked Hawaiian Rolls with pulled bbq chicken (16), vegetarian pulled bbq chicken (8) with fruit and lemonade to drink (yum, leftovers please). This setup could easily provide service for 8 just by adding additional goblets and an extra pitcher. Add in a charcuterie board or the mini charcuterie boards for individual desert setup and you'll be ready for your next Small Gathering.

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I rarely get to spend Mother's Day with my mom since we live in different states. Fortunately, she was able to spend Mother's Day 2021 with us. This was an impromptu table setting for 3 for me, my mom and daughter to enjoy.

This photo was taken before I started my business and shows that you don't have to be a pro to host a Small Gathering.

Check back here for future posts to see how you can make your next Small Gathering the talk of the town.

Until next time....Michelle S.

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