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I bought these little charcuterie boards because they were cute. At the time, I had no clue what to do with them, so they just sat waiting on inspiration. I finally decided that these would be cute for a children’s birthday party or even an adult get together where light refreshments are being served. They can also be used as a cute appetizer display or desert display; the possibilities are endless really. They are actually bigger than they look and to prove it, I put a full-size cupcake on each one. I’m pretty sure you’re going to see these pop up again on another blog post soon, so be on the lookout. Also, is there a limit to the amount of times one can include the word “cute” in a blog post and it not be weird?! I sure hope not, because they really are cute.

Until next time…

Michelle S.

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When I come across an item that I believe will be a great addition to my rental offerings, the first thing I do is imagine how it will look on a table and then think about how it can be used. If I can’t see it right away, then it doesn’t belong. Take these stools for example, I saw these multi-colored stools on Marketplace and instantly saw that they would make a great cupcake display. Since they were multi-colored and a décor. item, all I had to do was paint them white and add food-grade epoxy to the surface. While I don’t expect food to be placed directly on these stools; I want to ensure every product is food safe for every event. I love these distressed stools because they “step-up” the table display in a unique way and for people who want a pop of color, they can place their favorite color mini cloth over the stool, place the cupcakes on top and still end up with a cute display.

Until next time…

Michelle S.

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When we think about Small Gatherings, we don't typically think about dinner with the family, but there really are no set rules for a Small Gathering. For example, when my kids were little, we created "Fancy Dinner Night". Worst title ever, I know, but the name just stuck. The entire reason Fancy Dinner Night started was because my son had one decibel (really, really loud). There never seemed to be a quiet time; if he was awake, everyone knew he was awake. So one night when our son was about 2 years old and our daughter was 6, I told them we were going to have a fancy dinner night. We set the table, put all of the food in serving bowls on the table, lit candles, turned music on low and turned off the lights and all electronics. Since it was a special night, they were allowed to drink out of wine glasses and have pop with dinner. My only rule was that no one could talk above a whisper. See what I did there?! The kiddos absolutely loved it and it became a tradition for many years in our house.

My kids are adults now, but they still talk about "Fancy Dinner Night". So even if you're not interested in hosting a Small Gathering of your own, you can still have your own small gathering with your family, no matter the age of your kiddos and make it as fancy as you want. You can probably also have them come up with their own name for your Fancy Dinner Night.

I'd love to hear about your next Small Gathering and what it looks like for you.

Michelle S.

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